It is often said that golf is played in the mind, but what type of mind do you have? Find out using the Golfalot Golf Personality Test. Developed in conjunction with leading Golf Psychologist, David Norman (several European Tour players including Gary Orr are his clients), this unique online test will rate your golf mind and give you some pointers for improvement.
David Norman was excited by the interactive online test: 'Many people are unsure as to how good their mental approach to golf is. Using the Golfalot Personality Test, golfers can see where they stand now and retake the test over time to measure their improvement as they work on the mental side of their game.'
Golfalot's golf psychology page now also has details of relaxation techniques and a complete range of all the golf psychology books available to help you improve your score over time. So sit back, relax and improve your golfing mind by taking the test.
Take The Golf Personality Test
14 September 2000